- To promote and elevate the standards of Hong Kong film arts
- To unite fellow workers in the Hong Kong film arts industry
- To protect the professional interests of members in the industry
- To nurture talents for film arts
- To engage the public with film arts
Hong Kong Film Arts Association (HKFAA) was founded in 1995 by a group of Hong Kong film art directors and costume directors. Managed by an Executive Committee elected biennially by members, HKFAA is a non-profit organisation with over 150 current members.
Chairman’s Message
Chairman’s Message
This is an era full of challenges in the milieu with the ecology of film industry undergoing rapid changes. Being a member of the Hong Kong film industry, I hope we can honour our beliefs and continue to exert the unique style and characteristics of Hong Kong films!
Being one of the members of the Hong Kong Film Arts Assosication, I wish to uphold its mission to promote and elevate the quality of film arts and talents in Hong Kong while uniting and protecting the welfare of our fellow professionals and members.
Let’s join force to offer Hong Kong film industry our humble but weighty contribution!
Chairman | Man Lim Chung
Vice Chairlady | Tina Liu, Vice Chairman | Bill Lui, Alex Mok
Secretary | Ceci Fok
Treasurer | Vivian Lau
Executive Committee Members | Chan Hau Sin, Miggy Cheng, Cheung Siu Hong, Irving Cheung, Oilie Leung, Diamond Tai, Jean Tsoi, Yip Shuk-Ting , Yung Yuk-Ting
Chairman | Man Lim Chung
Vice Chairlady | Tina Liu, Vice Chairman | Bill Lui, Alex Mok
Secretary | Jean Tsoi
Treasurer | Eric Lam
Executive Committee Members | Chet Chan, Miggy Cheng, Irving Cheung, Cheung Siu Hong, Ceci Fok, Cola Ho, Zoe Lee, Diamond Tai, Alfred Yau
Chairman | Silver Cheung
Vice Chairman | Tina Liu, Man Lim Chung
Executive Committee Members | Chet Chan, Irving Cheung, Lee Chi Fung, Rex Loong, Alex Mok, Jean Choi, Wong Ying
Chairman | Silver Cheung
Vice Chairman | Tina Liu, Alex Mok
Executive Committee Members | Stanley Cheung, Cheung Siu Hong, James Cheung, Irving Cheung, James Choo, Man Lim Chung, Wong Ying
Chairman | Vacant
Vice Chairman | Silver Cheung, Tina Liu, Alex Mok
Executive Committee Members | James Cheung, James Choo, Man Lim Chung, Ng Bo Ling, Dora Ng
Chairman | Bill Lui (till September 2014)
Vice Chairman | Silver Cheung, Tina Liu
Executive Committee Members | Shirley Chan, James Cheung, Alex Mok, Ng Bo Ling Yank Wong
Invited Executive Committee Member | Connie Auyeung, James Choo, Chung Chi Pang, Kwok Bik Yan, Ida Trieu
Chairman | Bill Lui
Vice Chairman | Tina Liu, Raymond Lee
Executive Committee Members | Connie Auyeung, Silver Cheung, James Cheung, Ng Bo Ling, Yank Wong
Invited Executive Committee Member | Alex Mok, Kwok Bik Yan, James Choo, Ida Trieu
Chairman | Vacant (Honorary Chairman Cyrus Ho as the Acting Chairman)
Executive Committee Members | Silver Cheung, Bill Lui, Ng Bo Ling, Yank Wong, Ben Luk
Chairman | Fong Ying (1948-2010)
Vice Chairman | Edith Cheung, Alex Mok
Executive Committee Members | Silver Cheung, Bill Lui, Yank Wong, Ben Luk
Chairman | Cyrus Ho
Executive Committee Members | Edith Cheung, James Leung, Gemma To, Man Lim Chung, Shirley Chan, Lee Pik Kwan, Bill Lui, Silver Cheung, Dora Ng, Yee Chung Man, Yank Wong, Benny Lui, Ben Luk
Chairman | Cyrus Ho
Executive Committee Members | Edith Cheung, James Leung, Gemma To, Man Lim Chung, Shirley Chan, Lee Pik Kwan, Bill Lui, Silver Cheung, Dora Ng, Yee Chung Man, Yank Wong, Benny Lui, Ben Luk
Chairman | James Leung
Vice Chairman | Cyrus Ho, Gemma To, Edith Cheung
Executive Committee Members | Dora Ng, Yank Wong, Ho Kim Sing, Silver Cheung, Jason Mok, Chong Chi Leung , Man Lim Chung, Bruce Yu, Benny Lui, Ben Luk
Chairman | Bill Lui
Vice Chairman | Shirley Chan, James Leung, Cyrus Ho
Executive Committee Members | Connie Auyeung, Chong Chi Leung, Benny Lui, Dora Ng, Silver Cheung, Fung Kwun Man, Ben Luk, Ng Bo Ling, Edith Cheung, Fong Ying (1948-2010), Horace Ma, Gemma To, Hilda Choi, Ho Kim Sing, Jason Mok, Yeung Wing
Chairman | Yee Chung Man
Vice Chairman | Shirley Chan, Ho Kim Sing, Bill Lui
Executive Committee Members | Ben Luk, Cyrus Ho, Fung Kwun Man, Dora Ng, Tony Au, Silver Cheung, Ng Bo Ling, Jason Mok, Fong Ying (1948-2010), Edith Cheung, Jassie Lam, James Leung, Gemma To, Connie Auyueng, Chong Chi Leung
Chairman | Yee Chung Man
Vice Chairman | James Leung, Ben Luk
Executive Committee Members | Yank Wong, Bill Lui, Edith Cheung, Cyrus Ho, Silver Cheung
HKFAA is a non-profit organisation existing in the form of a limited company. With strictly limited resources and manpower, HKFAA has been experiencing difficulties in realising many great visions and carrying out lots of work that should have been shouldered.
Our vision? We are hoping to organise film arts related exhibitions, make documentaries, publish books and provide training courses. There is so much more we would like to do; however, without sufficient manpower and resources in the long run and lacking professional cross-sector knowledge and experiences, we understand that a dedicated team has to be formed for planning, evaluating and seeking the necessary resources and supports in order to realise our visions.
We would like to express our deep gratitude to our Companion Sponsorship organisations for the trust and support. Thank you for financially supporting the basic operation of HKFAA. Thank you for being with us to play a part in promoting local film arts education and transmission, allowing us to step further. With your encouragement and support, we are now at full speed. We are deeply grateful!
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Hong Kong Film Arts
P.O. Box No. 86309,
Gillies Avenue Post Office,
Kowloon, Hong Kong