HKFAA’s Mission

  • To promote and elevate the standards of Hong Kong film arts
  • To unite fellow workers in the Hong Kong film arts industry
  • To protect the professional interests of members in the industry
  • To nurture talents for film arts
  • To engage the public with film arts

Hong Kong Film Arts Association (HKFAA) was founded in 1995 by a group of Hong Kong film art directors and costume directors. Managed by an Executive Committee elected biennially by members, HKFAA is a non-profit organisation with over 150 current members.
With a history of more than two decades, HKFAA has published books about film arts, made documentaries, organised talks in various universities and secondary schools, provided training courses in film arts, and organised Cinema Chit-chat, a series of 10 public talks on film arts delivered by HKFAA members and professionals in film industry.

Chairman’s Message

Chairman’s Message

This is an era full of challenges in the milieu with the ecology of film industry undergoing rapid changes. Being a member of the Hong Kong film industry, I hope we can honour our beliefs and continue to exert the unique style and characteristics of Hong Kong films! 

Being one of the members of the Hong Kong Film Arts Assosication, I wish to uphold its mission to promote and elevate the quality of film arts and talents in Hong Kong while uniting and protecting the welfare of our fellow professionals and members. 

Let’s join force to offer Hong Kong film industry our humble but weighty contribution!

Man Lim Chung
Chairman of HKFAA
The 15th committee
Founder & Honorary Chairman | Yee Chung Man Honorary Chairman | King Hu (1932-1997) Honorary Consultant | Joe Cheung Honorary Chairman | Cyrus Ho, Silver Cheung
Founder & Honorary Chairman | Yee Chung Man Honorary Chairman | King Hu (1932-1997) Honorary Consultant | Joe Cheung Honorary Chairman | Cyrus Ho, Silver Cheung
Past Executive Committees
《升班 - 電影美術及服裝造型多元應用提升課程》

電影美術及服裝造型是將劇本文字立體化作實物實體的高度創意藝術,無論你是YouTuber 及KOL從事影像拍攝等有關行業,對這門無中生有的專業知識有興趣,或者你意欲入行,甚至只是純粹求知,現在這個由香港電影美術學會主辦的《升班 - 電影美術及服裝造型多元應用提升課程》是個大好機會,讓你學以致用,多元應用於你的生活和工作中!

HKFAA Events
Kin Ball Experience
"Out of Thin Air" Mission Accomplished!
Film Arts Seed Project
HKFAA 《Insiders》members' activity - ‘Alan Chan Collecting Inspiration For Design’
《Hand Moulding Ceramic Class - Sake Cup》
Wine Tasting & More
Out of Thin Air: Hong Kong Film Arts & Costumes Exhibition
Future Master Class Graduation Films Screening
The Hong Kong Film Art Association 26th Executive Committee
HKFAA Members Privileges <Kanzan Arrangement>
"Future Master Class - Professional Training in Film Arts and Costume Design" is now open for enrollment!
參觀香港文化博物館《平凡。不平凡 - 李小龍展覽》
《開班!》 第十三課 : 結業功課評審暨畢業
美會26週年派對 《美會26聚》
《香港電影美術及服裝專業文化發展》 資料搜集及 《香港電影美術及服裝造型設計案例》 短片製作項目
《 開班! 》正式開課!
2021.4 - 2021.5
Discover the State Theatre in All of Us
14th HKFAA Committee Photoshoot
2019.11 - 2020.7
The 39th Hong Kong Film Awards 02
2019.11 - 2020.7
The 39th Hong Kong Film Awards 01
Hong Kong Filmmakers Covid-19 Crisis Support Programme
HKFAA’s Corporate Identity System updates
Out of Nothing - The World of Film Arts

HKFAA Spring Dinner
The 4th Film Professionals Training Programme – Common Classes on Film Arts
Nova Power 05
Nova Power 04
Nova Power 03
Nova Power 02
Nova Power 01
Welcoming Party
Hong Kong Film Assistant Directors’ Association Official Logo
<Cinema Chit-Chat>: The 10thTalk
<Cinema Chit-Chat>: The 9th Talk
Hong Kong Screenwriters’ Guild Official Trophy
<Cinema Chit-Chat>: The 8th Talk
<Cinema Chit-Chat>: The 7th Talk
<Cinema Chit-Chat>: The 6th Talk
<Cinema Chit-Chat>: The 5th Talk
Film Arts on Campus <Film Arts is not to be Missed>
<Cinema Chit-Chat>: The 4th Talk
Film arts on Campus <Alex Mok’s Sharing on Film Art Direction>
<Cinema Chit-Chat>: The 3rd Talk
Film Arts on Campus < Hair, Makeup & Costumes for Modern Movies>
<Cinema Chit-Chat>: The 2nd Talk
<Cinema Chit-Chat>: The 1st Talk
Film Arts on Campus - <Inspiration for Creativity>
HKFAA Spring Dinner
Film Arts on Campus - <Qin Han In Dreams>
<Hong Kong Film Arts in Full Contact> Certificate Program
Film Arts on Campus - <Modern Police Stations in Film>
Film Arts on Campus - <Art Direction in Film>
Film Arts on Campus - <Through Hot & Cold>
Artistes 311 Love Beyond Borders Fund Raising Campaign
The 3rd Film Professional Training Programme <On Film Arts>
<Artistes 414 Fund Raising Campaign>
<Artistes 512 Fund Raising Campaign>
Wild Blooms of Imagination – Art Direction in Hong Kong Films 1979-2001

Crossing Border Fund Raising Show
1:99 Concert
HK Film Directors’ Guild’s Course
Overseas Guests Exchange Activities
Hong Kong Film Arts VCD
The 2nd Film Arts Training Course <Film Arts Workshop>
The 1st Film Arts Training Course <On Film Arts>
Founded on 27th October 1995
Establishment of Hong Kong Film Arts Association
HKFAA Courses
Media Coverage
2022.3 | Now Baogu Movies
2021.5 | ART & PIECE
《文念中 金像獎美術指導眼中的香港 懷舊以外的文化》
2020.9 | Art & Piece
《 徒弟說阿叔——拍王家衛電影最有所謂》
2020.8 | Mingpao Weekly
《 不賣的花》
2020.5 | ZiHua
《 電影下的廢墟:訪問張世宏與文念中》
2018.6 | City Magazine
《 張世宏:好的美指不會妥協,只會為做不好而感到痛》
2018.5 | City Magazine
2018.4 | Headline Daily
《 劉天蘭:最緊要盡力做好自己》
2018.4 | Eastweek
《 造星勢力》
2018.4.15 | HK01
《【金像獎2018】「星勢力」紅地氈撐場 馬逢國望設計師揚威海外》
2018.3 | HK Film Blog
《 「星。勢。力」展現香港演員新勢力》
2017.9 | MOVIE6
《 說三道四別人的戲 》第十回《美。溝。導》講座完滿結束
2017.9 | Apple Daily
2017.9 | Sina
2017.9 | Headline Daily
2017.9 | Sing Tao Daily
2017.9 | ON.CC
2017.9 | Sing Pao Daily
2017.9 | Bastille Post
2017.9 | Wen Wei Po
2017.9 | Ming Pao Daily
2017.9 |
2017.9.15 | Ming Pao Daily
2017.8.29 | HK Film Blog
2016.11 | City Magazine
2016.10.16 | JESSICA
2016.7 | Mingpao Weekly
2016.7 | RTHK
2016.7 | CRHK
2016.7.5 | HK Film Blog
2015.7.7 | STARSHK
2015.7 | HK Film Blog
2015.7.7 | Sing Tao Daily
2013.10 | City Magazine
2013.5.15 | Scope Taiwan
2011.10 | City Magazine
2011.10 |
《銀幕上的魔法師 初探電影美術》
2011.10 | Sing Tao Daily
2011.9 | Hong Kong Economic Times
《雷楚雄專訪 尋找新血》
2011.9 | Wen Wei Po
2011.9 | U Magazine
2011.9 | Ta Kung Pao
2011.8 | ON.CC
2011.8 | Wen Wei Po
2011.8 | Wen Wei Po
2011.8 | Da Gong Wang
2011.4 | Sing Pao Daily
2011.4 | Sing Tao Daily
Member Search

Member Zone
Membership Application
Click on the link below and join Hong Kong Film Arts Association! Successful applicants will receive a confirmation email upon approval.
Member Login
Member Search
Member Zone
Membership Application
Click on the link below and join Hong Kong Film Arts Association! Successful applicants will receive a confirmation email upon approval.
Member Login
Contact Us




Hong Kong Film Arts

P.O. Box No. 86309,
Gillies Avenue Post Office,
Kowloon, Hong Kong


The following terms and conditions of use apply to your use of the Official Website (“ the Website”) of Hong Kong Film Arts Association Limited (collectively “Hong Kong Film Art Association”, ”HKFAA”, “we”, “us” or “our”) and related digital media platforms (including but not limited to our official social media platforms, pages and accounts on Facebook、Instagram、YouTube、Weibo、LinkedIn、LINE、Twitter、WhatsApp and WeChat, etc.). The material contained in this Website and related digital media platforms has been produced in accordance with its current practices and policies and with the benefit of information currently available to it and all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of the pages of the website at the time of preparation.

HKFAA regularly reviews the website and where appropriate will update pages to reflect change in circumstances. Notwithstanding all efforts made by HKFAA to ensure the accuracy of the Website, no responsibility or liability is accepted by HKFAA in respect of any use or reference to the Website, or for any inaccuracies, omissions, mis-statements or errors in the said material, or for any economic or other loss which may be directly or indirectly sustained by any visitor to the Website or other person who obtains access to the material on the Website.

HKFAA makes no representations, warranties and endorsement as to the accuracy, completeness and/or reliability of any of the contents, products or services (“Services”) on the Website, which may contain links to, information, material, data, knowledge (“Information”) from other service(s) platform(s) operated or owned by third party companies (the “Third Party Platforms”). 

You agree and understand that you shall be solely responsible for the risks involving in the activities or transactions you carried out upon reliance on the Information obtained from or through our Services. HKFAA shall not be liable for any loss and damage of whatsoever nature in connection therewith.

You agree that HKFAA does not warrant or represent that the Services or Information provided on the Website is complete and accurate, nor that the information is up to date. HKFAA shall be entitled, but not obliged to improve, clarify or correct the Services or Information.

All Services and Information on the Website are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. HKFAA expressly disclaims all responsibilities and liabilities for any such content, Information, Services or products appearing on the Website. Any and all Services, Information or products appearing on the Website or through hyperlinked Third Party Platforms do not represent the position of HKFAA and shall not give rise to, including but not limited to, any statement, representation, endorsement or warranty by HKFAA.

The material on the Website is for general information only and nothing in the Website contains professional or career advice or an offer for sale or an offer to attend any training course or any binding commitment upon HKFAA in relation to the availability of any training course or service or product, or any indication by HKFAA that any course or diploma is suitable or required for a candidate.

The information on the Website relating to employment opportunities and conditions of service do not represent offers of employment and tenders posted on the Website do not represent an offer to do business. All visitors should take advice from a suitably qualified professional in relation to any specific query or problem that they may have or in relation to any course or employment opportunity described in this website, and HKFAA takes no responsibility for any loss caused as a result of reading the contents of this website.

Unless expressly agreed in writing no part of the information set out in the Website shall form part of any contract subsequently entered into between HKFAA and the Website visitor/ training course participant.

 HKFAA accepts no liability in respect of the submission of information to HKFAA via e-mail, including in respect of the non-delivery of e-mail or the unauthorised reading of e-mail. The links to third party sites on this Website will let you leave the Website. The linked sites are not related to or under the control of HKFAA and HKFAA is not responsible for the contents of any linked site. HKFAA is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by HKFAA of the linked site.

All rights, including but not limited to intellectual property right(s), ownership and goodwill, of the data, content, material or information displayed and to be found on the Website and related social media platforms belong to HKFAA or our licensor. HKFAA has the sole discretion to terminate our users’ account(s) if, in HKFAA’s opinion, the use of the relevant account(s) violates the rights of any third parties.

If you are in doubt about the contents, have questions about the information provided, notice errors or omissions, or believe that the information provided on the Website can be presented in a clearer way, please send your comments and/or suggestions to us through our Contact Us form.

The assertions and opinions expressed in articles, announcements and/or news on this website reflect the views of the author(s) and do not (necessarily) reflect the views of HKFAA. HKFAA can in no way whatsoever be held responsible for the content of such views nor can it be held liable for any direct or indirect damage that may arise from such views.

No claims, actions or legal proceedings in connection with this website brought by any visitor or other person having reference to the material on this website will be entertained by HKFAA.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy Statement sets out how Hong Kong Film Art Association Limited (collectively “Hong Kong Film Art Association”, ”HKFAA”, “we”, “us” or “our”) collect, use, manage and protect the personal data or information (”Personal Data”) that we may collect from or about you. You shall read this Privacy Policy Statement carefully so as to ensure that you fully and clearly understand the contents herein.

  1. Protecting Your Privacy
    We are dedicated to processing your Personal Data in accordance with the required standards. This includes protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your Personal Data in compliance with, where applicable, the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “Ordinance”) and other relevant regulations where applicable. To ensure that you can make informed decisions and feel confident about providing your Personal Data to us, we outline in this Policy our practices and the choices you have concerning the collection and use of your Personal Data.
  2. The Personal Data We Collect
    The types of Personal Data we collect from you will depend on the specific type of Services (including but not limited to the online application of HKFAA membership, activities and events organized by or related to HKFAA, online query and recruitment services, etc.) as requested by, or provided to, you.
    The types of Personal Data may include (without limitation) the following:
    i. your personal information (e.g. your name, gender, date of birth and other details documented on your Hong Kong Identity Card or other legal identity card, travel document, student card and/or driver’s license, and Personal Data that you have shared with third-party social media platform operators (e.g. account login names, profile pictures, contact details, etc.);
    ii. your contact details (e.g. name, address, phone number, mobile telephone number and/or email address, etc.);
    iii. your business information (e.g. company name, business title, work experiences, curriculum vitae and associated contact information, etc.);
    iv. your credit or debit or other charge cards information (e.g. name of cardholder, card number, billing address, security code and expiry date, etc.), or your personal or business account information given by you to third party payment processors (including but not limited to PayPal);
    v. account details or Personal Data relating to Services registered with us including the relevant PIN, username or password, account numbers and/or service numbers;
    vi. device specific information such as hardware model, operating system, version, unique device identifier, serial numbers, setting configurations and software and mobile network configuration, etc.;
    vii. your interests, personal preferences or comments, etc.;
    viii. your comments and responses to market surveys, contests and promotional offers conducted by us or on our behalf; and/or
    ix. all Personal Data requested by applicable government authorities, courts, law enforcement or other authorities or regulatory bodies to enable us to comply with or in connection with any law, rule, regulation, judgment or court order (whether within or outside of Hong Kong).
    Certain Personal Data (e.g. relating to your personal information and contact information, etc.) are required for specific services and if you fail to supply such Personal Data as requested from each specific Service, we may not be able to deliver you the Services. By providing your Personal Data to us, you acknowledge that such provision is fair and reasonable in the circumstances.
  3. Purposes for which your Personal Data are Collected and Used
    The purposes for which your Personal Data are collected and used may include (without limitation) one or more of the following purposes:
    i. to verify your identity;
    ii. to process your application to subscribe to our Services or our membership;
    iii. to carry out matching procedures, as defined under the Ordinance;
    iv. to verify your eligibility to our offers of Services, games and/or promotions or other events;
    v. to facilitate payment for any of the Service provided by HKFAA, including the verification of credit card and/or payment details with third-party payment processors (including but not limited to PayPal);
    vi. For use of the online Services available at our website and/or through other telecommunication channels;
    vii. With your consent, for marketing or promoting any of the Services of HKFAA (e.g. sending you updates on our latest offers and promotions in relation to any of our Services from time to time);
    ix. For designing new and/or enhancing existing Services, activities, contests, competitions, lucky draws and/or other events by or related to HKFAA; and/or for administering any Services, activities, contents and/or other events by HKFAA and/or collaborating organizations or businesses;
    x. to maintain, enhance and develop our products and Service offerings, including but not limited to membership benefits, points and/or reward schemes;
    xi. for making disclosures when required by law, regulation, or court order of any jurisdiction and/or as requested by any government, regulatory or law enforcement authority or administrative organisation, which may be within or outside The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (Hong Kong);
    xii. for establishing legal claims or defences, obtaining legal advice, and/or exercising, defending and/or protecting the rights or properties of any member of HKFAA, including identifying, contacting or bringing legal action against any person who may be causing interference with such rights or properties (whether intentionally or otherwise) or where any other person could be harmed or property of any other person could be damaged by such interfering activities;
    xiii. for the use by HKFAA in connection with any of the above purposes and/or any of the Services that HKFAA may offer or supply to you from time to time; and/or
    xiv. for any other incidental or associated purposes relating to the above, or any other purposes as specified in a personal information collection statement when your Personal Data is being collected, or any other purposes which you may from time to time agree.

    We will not knowingly or intentionally use, share or sell your Data in ways which are unrelated to the above purposes (or purposes as specified in a personal information collection statement when we collect your Personal Data) without your prior consent.

    Personal Data shared by applicants to the HKFAA membership, whether on our online membership application form or on our printed application form, will solely be used for the purpose of application processing. In the case of a successful membership application, such Personal Data will be kept by us for the purpose of administration, membership record, administration, contact, and those stated at C. i-xiv). In the case of a denied/unsuccessful membership application, such Personal Data will be kept for 7 years in accordance with our administrative procedures.

  4. Direct Communication (If Applicable)
    If we intend to use your Personal Data (including your name and contact details) collected from you for direct communication purposes (e.g. to send you communications about news, offers or promotions in relation to the Services or activities of HKFAA), we will first obtain your consent (or an indication of no objection) before doing so. You may opt-out from receiving marketing communications from us at any time, free of charge by:
    i. following the opt-out instructions contained in the communications;
    ii. following the unsubscribe instructions or hyperlink in the email;
    iii. notifying us that you no longer wish to receive communication when receiving our calls, text messages or application messages (e.g., WhatsApp, etc.);
    iv. contacting us at the address stated on our website to tell us that you no longer wish to receive communication through any channel.

    We may issue Service-related announcements to you when necessary. You may not be able to opt out of these announcements which are Service-related and not promotional in nature.

  5. Conditions to upload content
    When you submit content to or share material with HKFAA, you must only submit/share your own original content. If your content contains the work(s) of others (e.g. music, images and/or video), you must have obtained the necessary rights or permissions to use that material. You also undertake not to use our website to upload, post, email, offer or otherwise transmit any contents that infringe any proprietary rights or intellectual property rights including, without limitation, patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright of any party.
    If your content clearly identifies anyone else, you will need to ensure that the persons concerned have consented to the content being used by HKFAA.

    Where your content clearly identifies children under the age of 16, you must ensure that their parent or guardian has provided their consent as set out above.

    According to HKFAA’s rules, you should not submit or share any material or information:
    i. that is knowingly false or misleading, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent, threatening or invasive of a person’s privacy or unlawful in any way;
    ii. which you do not own or for which you have not obtained all necessary licenses and/or approvals as may be required by law;
    iii. which is technically harmful (including, without limitation, files that contain viruses, corrupted files or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another’s computer);
    iv. impersonating any person or entity, or falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with anyone or any entity;
    v. deleting any author attributions, legal notices or proprietary designations or labels in any file that is uploaded; and/or
    vi. falsifying the origin or source of software or other material contained in a file that is uploaded; and/or
    vii. advertising or offering to sell any goods or Services, or conducting or forwarding surveys, contests or chain letters, or downloading any file posted by another user of our website that you know, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally distributed in such a manner.

    We reserve our right to reject or remove or edit any inappropriate information from our website or social media records. If in doubt, please do not share your contents with us. If you post on, or transmit to our website or social media platforms any material of the type prohibited under the above paragraphs or any applicable laws and regulations, and we incur any costs, expenses, liability or losses as a result, then you agree to indemnify HKFAA for all such costs, expenses, liability and/or losses.

    You should be aware that HKFAA is entitled to reveal your identity (or any information which it has about you) to any third party who is claiming that any of that material violates any of their rights or to any government or regulatory authority that may request HKFAA to do so.

    Unless specially required or requested by us, please do not send or publish any personal sensitive data (e.g. contents in relations to race, political views, religious or other beliefs, health record, criminal record or chamber membership, etc.) to us or through our websites or social media platforms. If we specially required or requested your provision of sensitive data, we must obtain your prior express consent.

  6. Use of Cookies and Log Files
    If you visit our website, we may use cookie files to store and track information about you and your preferences. A cookie is a small text file that our website transfers to your computer's or device’s hard disk. We use cookies to better serve you and/or maintain your information across multiple pages within or across one or more sessions. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but if you prefer, you can edit your browser options to block them in future. However, if you disable cookies or refuse to accept a request to place a cookie, certain functionalities on our website may not be available.

    Cookies contain information about you and your preferences. For example, if you inquire about rates and availability, the site might create a cookie that contains the details you entered. Or it might only contain a record of which pages within the site you visited, to help the site customise the view for you the next time you visit. Only the information that you provide, or the choices you make while visiting a website, can be stored in a cookie. For example, the site cannot determine your email name unless you choose to type it. Allowing a website to create a cookie does not give that or any other site access to the rest of your computer, and only the site that created the cookie can read it.

    We may also collect information regarding your IP address, browser type, domain name and access time. This information is used for our own research purposes. As it is not linked to any personal information, it is separate from your Personal Data. In rare instances, IP addresses may be used to assist in deterring and/or preventing abusive or criminal activity on the website.

    If you interact with us on social media platforms (for example if you “Like” our Facebook Page or post on our timeline), we can interact with you and send you messages via these platforms. We will interact with you in accordance with the social media platform's rules but we are not responsible for how the platform operators collect and handle your Personal Data. We are not responsible for what third parties post on our social media accounts.

  7. Data Retention
    Subject to any legal, statutory, regulatory or accounting requirements, the Personal Data you provide to us will be kept by us in the appropriate form only for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes mentioned above after which it will be destroyed.
  8. Data Security
    In order to ensure the correct use and to maintain the accuracy of the Personal Data collected from you, as well as preventing unauthorised or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use of the Personal Data, we have implemented various internal policies (including physical, electronic and management measures) to safeguard and secure the Personal Data we collect.

    For example, where we collect Personal Data online, we use an industry standard for encryption over the Internet known as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, to protect the Personal Data. Our website has firewalls in place, which should protect the Personal Data collected from you against unauthorised or accidental access. However, complete confidentiality and security is not yet possible over the internet, and privacy cannot be assured in your communications to us. You are encouraged to protect against unauthorised access to your password and credit card details. Make sure you sign out from your account when finished particularly when using a shared computer.

  9. Other Websites
    In order to anticipate your needs, our website may contain links to third party sites that are operated under different privacy practices.

    All such websites are independent from our website. We have no control over the contents of such other websites or their privacy policies or compliance with the law. You should therefore be fully aware the provision of such links does not constitute an endorsement, approval, or any form of association by or with HKFAA. We have no control over Personal Data that is submitted to these other websites. You should remain alert when you leave our website, and read the privacy statements of other websites.

  10. Your Rights and Contacting Us
    You are entitled to access or correct your Personal Data held by us. You may also:
    i. request deletion or erasure of your Personal Data;
    ii. object to the sharing of your Personal Data; and/or
    iii. object to the profiling of your Personal Data.

    If you would like to exercise any of the above rights or obtain a copy of any of your Personal Data, or if you believe that any of your Personal Data which we collect and maintain is inaccurate or would like to request for information regarding our policies and practices and the kinds of Personal Data held by us, please contact us by mail at the following address:

    P.O. Box No. 86309, Gillies Avenue Post Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    Or email:

    We will endeavour to use appropriate technical means to ensure that you can access, update and correct your Personal Data. In accessing, updating, correcting and/or deleting your Personal Data, we may ask you to authenticate your identity in order to protect the safety of your Personal Data.

    To the extent permitted by relevant laws and regulations, we reserve the right to refuse unreasonable requests (for example, requests which infringe the privacy of others). To the extent permitted by relevant laws and regulations, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for the cost of processing any request set out above.

  11. Note
    This Policy may be amended from time to time. You may access and obtain a copy of this Policy, as amended from time to time, at so that you are always informed of the way we collect and use Personal Data.

This Policy is written in the English language and may be translated into other languages. In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and the translated version of this Policy, the English version shall prevail.

We keep our Privacy Policy Statement under regular review. This statement was last updated in April 2020.